:: linda ::Materials:
Going along with Doll Base Pattern (available in my Etsy store) Body: Work in beige up to Round 22 Switch to Red (shirt) Work Round 23-32 Switch to Blue (pants) Work Round 33-43, FO, Weave in ends Arms: -Make 2- In beige 1. Work 6 sc into a magic circle (6) 2. Sc around *Switch to red* 3-8. Sc around (6) FO, leave long tail for sewing Apron: In white 1. Chain 36, Fasten off 2. From either side, find the 13th stitch, attach yarn and sc 10 (10) 3-6. Sc in each st around 7. Ch 1, turn, and sc across (10) Fasten off and weave in ends Details: Linda has some pretty big hair so it required quite a bit of felt. I made a thin “cap” around her head with black felt and then added thicker layers after to make her hair look like it had some volume. I used push pins to keep her part where I wanted it. To get the curl of her hair, I thinned out the felt and used push pins to create the shape and then lightly sprayed her with hairspray. Her glasses are made from wire and a 2.5 mm hook. I cut a long piece of wire, manipulated it as much as I could to make it look like her glasses, making sure to get that subtle “point” in the frames like hers have. Once I had my shape, I attached my yarn at the bridge of the glasses and crochet a single, tight row of single crochet with the 2.5mm hook, all the way around the glasses. Once you fasten off, use the ends of your starting and finishing tails to fasten the glasses to her face. Need more details?An inexpensive Deluxe Pattern is available of the entire Belcher Family with photos detailing my felt process and more.
Head to my Etsy store to download your copy now!
1 Comment
Lynn E. Claytor
6/2/2020 11:16:32 am
Thank you for the great patterns. It certainly took me a long time to find. Hahaha!!! No time to chat... I've gotta crochet!
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Nikki GnarleyHi I'm Nik! I'm a serial crafter from Ohio with a thing for string.
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